Thursday, November 4, 2010

Not Really My Thing, But…


Tattoos aren’t really my thing.  I’ll be honest.  (So honest I’ll even cite my commitment issues…).


This really fabulous nerdy one showed up in my reader and I recognized it based on the text. 

Literary TattooIt makes me feel like my studying has not gone to waste. 

First one to tell me the work and the author gets a free question via email or on the blog.  (My choice).


naturgesetz said...

At first I thought you meant you recognized the body it's on. LOL

Anonymous said...
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A Gay Mormon Boy said...

@naturgesetz: Ha. I know someone who'd get this tattoo.

@TBA: You win!

Anonymous said...
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A Gay Mormon Boy said...

You can ask here as long as nobody's identity is revealed. (I like to do that on a one-on-one basis).

Anonymous said...
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robert said...

dang...too late...i knew from the pic in the tattoo...probably for the best. My questions can be really "pointy ended".

Anonymous said...

Wow! That is so different and totally amazing.

Anonymous said...

Wow! That is so different and totally amazing.

Anonymous said...
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